Monday - Friday
Click Here to read a daily word of inspiration to complement your daily mediation time with God.

Here at Cathedral we believe in worshiping through giving.
God tells us in Malachi 3:10-12, "Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so that there will be food enough in my Temple; if you do, I will open up the windows of heaven for you and pour out a blessing so great you won’t have room enough to take it in! Try it! Let me prove it to you! Your crops will be large, for I will guard them from insects and plagues. Your grapes won’t shrivel away before they ripen, says the Lord Almighty. And all nations will call you blessed, for you will be a land sparkling with happiness. These are the promises of the Lord Almighty."

We were blessed in 2017.

Apostle Linda Spence, D.D.

Apostle Linda Spence began her Christian journey in January 1987 under the leadership of the late Presiding Bishop James Eugene Berry, D.D. In 1992 she answered the call to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and preached her first sermon in October 1992.
After over 2 years of intensive training and study under the guidance of Presiding Bishop Berry, she was ordained before 2400 persons at the Metropolitan Baptist Church in Harlem, NY along with 12 other ministers of the cross. After many years of training, leading, teaching and preaching, she was consecrated Bishop on October 27, 2002.
This woman of God, described as the “chief servant” was installed and consecrated as the 2nd Pastor and Presiding Bishop on May 11, 2011. She is the mother of Elder-Elect Malik Spence, the Minister of Music.

The Cathedral Baptist Church, Inc. was founded and organized by the Prophet, Presiding Bishop James Eugene Berry, D.D., in July 1986. The church began serving the community and residents through divine worship and bible teaching in the northeast Bronx at 3360 Fish Avenue in July of that year. As a result the “Teaching, Preaching, Tithing, Faith and Bibleway and Kingdom Building Ministry” began to grow steadily, rapidly and spiritually. The vision God gave for the ministry is to have “One Church in Many locations”; taking care of the whole man, mind, body and spirit.
The vision continues to be carried out by our Pastor, Presiding Bishop Linda Spence. Today, the church is located in the North East Bronx on Fish Avenue and Boston Road and it continues to grow in membership and spirituality.

Presiding Bishop
James Eugene Berry, D.D.
1986 - 2010
Our Founder & First Pastor